Haven’t finished yet, started it and it’s good so far. The graphics are great, and I can’t wait to experience the full game. I like how you play as Abby now to understand her side of the story.
UPDATE: I finished the game and it’s great. I personally like it, it has a lot of nerve racking moments and definitely is a good game. The only problem I have with the game is that it is very glitchy(for me at least). I’ve had to stop the game for the glitches to stop or redo the part of the game I’m on. (For example: I was playing as abby on the part where you’re at the gas station. I killed all the bad guys but was confused on what to do next so I looked it up and saw a truck was suppose to come. The truck never game so I had to redo the part.)
You can definitely see the character development in Ellie near the end. Especially when she decided to let Abby live, to stop the loss and revenge cycle that’ll keep happening if she killed abby. Ellie has definitely matured and grown through the story and definitely after Joel’s death. Joel may be dead and it’s sad but it definitely was bound to happen due to the conflicts caused in the first game. I appreciate how naughty dog spends time on the storyline, and gameplay.
The game was beautiful and great. The animations are amazing, the graphics are gorgeous and you can definitely see how much naughty dog progressed after the first game.
Loved the game overall.