I am actually really enjoying this Call Of Duty Title and i personally think that connecting the C.O.D. Modern Warfare Warzone is pretty awesome in my opinion i played a lot of regular multiplayer game modes and zombies and now taking that extremely satisfying experience and following it up with Warzone... And sure enough they did not disappoint its been extremely refreshing and long overdue for a drop of content that peaks the interest on a gaming experience that was starting to get stale an boring but with this new title coming out and the merging of Modern Warfare/ Warzone with Black Ops Cold War its, for myself at least, been very fun getting that drive to play every day and actually have fun with it. I know this review may not mean anything to a good handful of the people in the Calk Of Duty Community but hey in my personal opinion i think this game is vastly under rated and i think it deserves a chance get the gane play it an see for yourself