I'm absolutely loving this show and I love how they're bringing these topics of healthy living and sustainability to hopefully more of the general public. It's definitely something I'm interested in and I love the fact that there seems to be a growing interest in this lifestyle.
The first thing that's incredibly frustrating is that they're highlighting how a plant-based diet is healthy anecdotally, sharing Ella's story but why not in the same breath talk about the benefits of a plan based diet for many chronic illnesses like heart disease (our number one killer in the US), diabetes, cancers and many others.
I know there's so much propaganda and Zac did mention how the dairy is industry has tons of money and it's super powerful but to the point where they're influencing the show??
Also, one of the biggest things we can do for the environment is to go plant-based because cows emit methane gas, which is way more potent than carbon monoxide released by cars. Why not throw that in there somewhere?
The biggest thing that has bothered me, and it's not just with this show, is the fact that they're tip towing around the main issue with animal agriculture. They make multiple mentions of how the Amazon is being burned down but why not say in that same breath that it's mostly to grow feed for animals? If people just ate the plants then they would not need to consume nearly as much as a cow would, of course.
This is contributing hugely to climate change because as many people understand, the Amazon is basically like the lungs of the planet and absorbs so much of the CO2 we produce.
It's like they're trying to address the subject but never actually admit it. Why not have the balls to actually say it?? It's super frustrating. It's not that controversial because it's just a fact.
Animal agriculture contributes to many of our first world diseases as well as climate change.
Same thing with the Sardinia episode, one major contributing factor to their longevity, is that they eat mostly plant-based and locally sourced whole food.