*** Treat this as a miniseries instead of a two season show that was cancelled and you’ll enjoy it more. ***
•• Best described as riding Splash Mountain at Disneyland: slow, childish, slightly annoying, yet still holding your interest with sparks of hope for improvement, wrapping up with a splashy big ending leaving you feeling satisfied overall and making you -almost- forget the first 75% that was disappointing. ••
Basic breakdown (No spoilers)
• At first, this show disappoints with overall lackluster acting from a cast it seems was selected for a statement on diversity instead of character connection and purpose, served to viewers at an insanely slow pace, with a missing in action non-villain…
• Finally, the last three episodes pass muster for the WD fandom giving viewers our expected range of emotions and responses, pulling this rating from a dismal 1 ish to the 4 ish I’ve selected.
• Two characters clearly surpass all others in both character development and acting talent, while a handful of others seem elementary at best.
• Wasted time in early episodes could have been better spent on additional backstory, better character interaction, plot development, connection to the WD universe, and the enjoyable WD flashbacks.
• Could have been great. Concept was worthy, execution and timing were off.