The game has no substance or genuine purpose. You start off to a reasonable sized map with what feels like a lot of things to do but in reality plundering bases is all the same, ship combat is last. You can only walk around the outposts and pirate settlements rendering the rest of the locations devoid of any life or character.
Character and ship customisation is extremely restrictive, leading me to point out that there are intact only 3 ships to choose from once you hit kingpin because anything below the brigentine is too low level to be taken seriously.
The second season just dropped and the battle pass offers absolutely nothing of substance its all cosmetics.
They released only 1 additional new ship??? And its design is absolutely horrendous
It has the lower Hull of a snow, the body of a sambuk and the sails of a brigentine. All they did was mush the 3 ships together to make a pathetic "new ship"
I paid around £70 for the deluxe edition and I have nothing substantial to differentiate my self from a standard player.
There is absolutely no land based combat or meaningful interations, every player you see is running the same ship and builds making it a mundane experience.
World bosses are all identical with the exception of a different ship style. Missions are all the same theme of kill a ship to progress.
Over all once you have finished the battle pass you run out of things to do, I finished BP1 in less than 2 weeks than had to wait 60 days with nothing to do for season 2... I don't think I'm even going to make it to season 3.