I enjoyed it, but I can’t say I love it — yet. Some parts or elements just pulled me out of the otherwise immersive story at times. I love a good representation, but does it have to be at the expense of a good story? Please hear me out and know that I genuinely want several more seasons of them (preferably better ones).
Acting: I understand there are young/new actors in this show, but they need training; I believe in them and look forward to their improvement. It’s just that sometimes, it’s clear that a few or one actor is carrying the whole scene (such as Hook often being more “felt” or more expressive than Lewis). I get that in reality, some people are less expressive than others, but this is a show. I’m not looking for exaggerated emotions like when the two main characters acted like one of them just came home from war when really she just left her bedroom for a while. I just mean equal energy that suits that intensity of the scene.
Interactions: Some of them just don’t feel real. Like, what human interrupts a serious conversation to ask for details about his best friend’s make-out session? I get that they’re best friends, but people normally put lighter things on hold for serious things. What’s up with the awkward flow of conversations (not even the cute, realistic kind)? What’s up with a character only saying they’re sad about an event but not actually looking like it onscreen? Why not show Ben processing it over an episode or few as the episode progresses? Explore the characters! What’s up with the locals? What’s up with their authorities’ choices? Their world needs more foundation and intricacies to feel real.
Actions: Some actions just don’t make sense, like Ben’s lack of processing over that death or Elinor using her “speed” for the shortest walks. (Dude, she’s in a room! Her power just looked like a blurred brisk walk.) Some of the kisses also just felt abrupt or out of place. Romantic or not, love is built on more than words and physical contact.
CGI needs improvement too, but I get that part might be more a budget/time issue rather than an acting/writing/editing choice. I hope you take these comments and other possible criticisms as something to improve upon rather than an attack. I’d really want to see more of them please and thank you.