Sex and the City was a show that presented a story related to the age and perspectives of its characters in an entertaining satirical style. The HBO series gave all the “over twenty-five and still single girls” a way to take the sometimes awkward or depressing situations along their journey to find a life partner and reflect on them with laughter that helped us all realize we weren’t the only ones going thru it. More importantly the stories instilled a hope that even when things got desperate there was still the possibility of a happy ending. And Just Like That, the possibility of a happy ending is gone. The new story ditches all logic and makes no sense at all. Truthfully, at the general age group the characters are in, they would be facing situations related more to choosing supplemental Medicaid insurance then trying to relate to so called gender neutral teenage children. These characters would be trying to figure out how to retire without financial concerns related to our countries recently poor economy plagued with inflation and pandemic supply chain constraints. More directly they would be struggling with the risks of continuing to live in a high crime city where I would imagine no one without a private security team feels safe. Instead the writers choose to give us the painful amusement park ride version of this show where sixty year old women are asked to work on podcasts that talk about sex. Our necks are painfully jerked back and forth from one probably never happened to a sixty year old women in real life moment to the next. There is never an enjoyably light free fall in this carnival experience. Even more remorsefully no plausible real sixty year old woman life situations is given a unique satirical turn that helps offset the unavoidable sadness of life with the joy that we hope will out weigh it in the end. It’s just one sad depressing unbelievable situation after another. Seriously the writers all went off their Prozac while working on this project. If you loved Sex and the City don’t soil that memory with this sequel. If your standing on the edge or anywhere near a loaded gun avoid this one like a twenty car deep line at Starbucks.