I have played this game for a very long time. This game is proof that hard working creative people can’t manifest a good playable game when given a year to develop it. This game doesn’t meet the most basic standards for a beta play test. It’s so sad because you could only imagine the potential it had but Pokemon is so dedicated to their yearly marketing cycle that their games suffer tremendously. Pokemon had always been serverely behind the curve in the gaming space but only when they genuinely tried to make a modern title under their constraints did it show. The fact that they are still selling dlc for this game is heartbreaking given how borderline unplayable the base game is and urge any fans not to buy it in protest. The game simply isn’t acceptable and to buy dlc is to accept it. That being said I have hundreds of hours on this game because I love Pokémon, but it’s still a bad game and shouldn’t be accept by the community.