I’ll say that I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would.
While it starts off great, it gets pretty repetitive and Grindy after awhile. I’m not compelled to play it hours on end , but it’s fun in small doses. The parkour is pretty cool, and there are some interesting tactics and moves you can unlock.
The atmosphere looks great. Techland always produces incredible looking games. The character designs look good.
Some missions get drawn out. You look for “person A” and they tell you to go find “person B” all the way across the map. Then that person tells you to go back to “person A” sort of thing. You try to complete one quest and you have to complete like three side quests. Sometimes it feels like your decisions don’t really matter. For example one of the first major decisions you have to make, whatever side you choose you feel like you end up doing the exact same thing. There are no major consequences of your decisions like in Fallout or Mass Effect. The same goes for the dialogue. No matter what dialogue you choose you still have the same outcome, whereas in other games conversations can change completely based on how you respond to characters.
Overall it has some flaws, but it’s still a good solid game. It feels like a combination of Dead Island /Fallout. It’s pretty expansive with a lot to discover for a game that’s only around 30 gbs.