Surprise!!! You would be shocked to know that the lead female had previously done films that were near soft porn. Full nudity and all.
I also found this actress annoying. Not just the character but the actress. She's not that famous in Korea because she used to play parts that were somewhat risky and nudity, sexual content that was unnecessary.
It's not so much that the character is "old looking", it's more her personality. Her personality is typical of meddling Korean middle aged housewives; very nosy, busy body, constantly creating problems, unaware of her surroundings, highly reactive, etc. On top of that, her romantic partner is someone, who in reality, especially in Korean culture, would never ever fall for.
This drama was definitely written by someone who identifies with the female lead character and this is her ultimate dream; that a handsome, rich, successful young man would fall for ultra reactive plain jane. It's unrealistic but look at the reviews. The writer certainly knew what she was doing.
Furthermore, the male lead was too prissy for my taste. The sudden showing up of the long lost mother was super annoying. This is a realistic character though. There are these types that are irresponsible and are constantly mooching off of others without shame. For some reason, some Koreans continue to financially support and put up with these types. Super annoying! The restaurant friend was also annoying and her romance with the brother, to me, was a little stomach turning. She felt like a predator, preying on a child. Pedophilish. Lastly, the police in this drama are really dumb.
It's not bad if you are looking for an easy mindless watch. WARNING! The aforementioned and especially the female lead can make you downright ANGRY!