I felt that Phobe Dynevor as Emily and Alden Ehrenreich as Luke gave us a rather note worthy performance! The film takes you through an emotional rollercoaster, and basically a powderkeg waiting to happen! Emily torn between being a typical " stand by your man for the sake of love" woman, & facing the fact her man was completely inferior to her. Now stepping into a position she really had always been in, just never tapping her full potential! Luke a seemingly opportunistic narcissist, whom had delusions of grandeur that were never anyone's reality but his own. I feel Luke had feelings for Emily but was not completely in love with her. Luke could not come to terms with the fact Emily was better than he in several ways and having to work beneath her did not help at all! It only perpetuated the stance that Emily was in fact far smarter than Luke, and he and his work were inferior to her. The ending left me in awe and saddened. It was almost hard to watch when things begin to unravel for the young couple, as well as watching Luke completely destroy their relationship due to his own incompetence insecurities and inferiority.