Overall the show is good and worth a watch however, their is some key things that really stop this show being on the same level as band of brothers and pacific.
Firstly, there is a constant negative connotation of other allied forces throughout almost making them seem incompetent and the 100th being the only good unit in the war effort. This is often portrayed not in a direct way however is certainly noticeable with some random scenes such as the fight in the first few episodes between the brits and the Americans.
Secondly, there was a continuous cycle of starting a storyline then killing it off an hour later often wasting either valuable screen time or leaving the viewer unsatisfied. Personally this presented most obviously with the affair with the 100ths chief navigator. This, affair spreads two episodes before being abruptly cut of and never hearing or seeing the women again. This is only one example of countless sporadic subplots that added nothing and wasted time.
Thirdly, due to the constant flipping in the storyline it was hard to build a relationship with the characters and I would even go as far to say as you started disliking them. This stems partly from the shoddy script at times with two characters often engaging in a conversation and then one of them suddenly not replying to the other and just walking away like he’s said the most earth shattering thing. One of these sticks prominently in my mind of Bucky saying something along the lines of “ you’ll be a good father” and then the navigator who was conversing in this conversation just walking away without saying anything.
Fourthly, if your going to try make twists in the story don’t make them so predictable you could guess what was gunna happen about 3 episodes in advance.
Finally, episode 9 the finale might be one of the worst endings to a war film I have ever seen. To me it appears that the directors were desperate to make a Hollywood ending however it just completely undermined the historical aspect of the series by ending it with a bunch of events that didn’t take place. The liberation of the camp almost made me cringe as Sherman’s fired on their own men while buck runs through his own Sherman’s firing on him to climb a flag pole to hang the American flag which just did not happen at all.