I love this game!
I’ve been playing all weekend and the new Pokémon have decent designs! One of the things I didn’t like in the previous games was how the designs seemed extremely lazy. I mean we had a Pokémon that was literally a set of keys, one that was a sword, one that’s an ice cream cone, and plenty that just look like flowers. The other games all felt more like I was just collecting junk and not monsters.
Play wise there’s a lot that’s given to you off the bat. You already have a town map, you’re given a bike early on, you already have a fishing pole though you can only fish at designated spots. It does walk you through a lot of things, but bear in mind that there will be new Pokémon fans playing this game who will find this useful. I did like that it gives you an option to say whether or not you already know what the tutorial is about to show you so you can just skip it.
I like that they brought back the Gyms and badges. I HATED the trials in Sun and Moon and couldn’t even finish the game. To me, badges are an important part of the game.
Oh! And they brought back the daycare so you can breed Pokémon unlike in Let’s Go!
Story wise, it might be a little short but that’s when you spend the post game collecting Pokémon and raising a team for pvp!
On a side note, the wild area is great! It really gives that sense of caution because you might stumble into a high level area and run into a Pokémon that you can’t escape from. That’s what all the professors warn you about in the previous games, but because they make you play through level appropriate areas you never actually had to worry about that before.
Overall, great game. And yes, the graphics are great too. People who are complaining about the graphics most likely haven’t played the game yet or are just salty that their Pokémon didn’t make the cut.