Nora O'Donnell is part of the "Gotcha Journalism",she feels entitled to attack people that did not agree with her point of view. Ms O'Donnell would not allow the "guest" to answer unless he/she agreed with her point or until she had asked the same question multiple times to make her point. This is not reporting the news. She appears to have a sense of entitlement, added with rude comments and opinions and a edgy tone to her voice in many of her interviews.
Ms O'Donnell's edgy tone, snarky word choices and attitude doesn't demonstrate the impartial responsibility of being an anchor at CBS Evening News. I find her comments and opinions unwanted and not professional for this role; possibly she should apply for a position with a "tabloid" show where she can shine with her newly acquired bitchy power attitude. She was like this on the CBS Morning TALK SHOW so I doubt this leopard will change it's spots...