I had high hopes for this movie going into it, but it falls flat and was a difficult movie to watch. Being a batman lover since my younger years I have seen every movie, and have read every comic. To see Harley Quinn walk into a police station in "Gotham" if we can even call it that due to the lack of the feel of darkness and dread that is prominent in every other movie... but I digress. To see her walk into a police station where not one officer has a weapon...and see her use a rainbow glitter filled sack launcher to get Cassandra Cain and the diamond..not only did I see this as an insult to women everywhere it just really pissed me off. This glittery, bimbo inspired, poorly written script shows that there feminine propaganda was the main plot in this movie. The fight scenes were awkward and the other characters were forgettable. I see this as a movie were Harley Quinn whines at not having Joker anymore, then uses his name to still have fun and have protection and then bashes him for the breakup and to be honest, why bring him up so much without even showing a break up cutaway atleast.. I feel this movie was just made to stroke Margot Robbies Ego and show feminist propaganda. Actors were awkward and forgettable. 1 star. Hated it.