I had such high hopes but wow. This is probably the most cringy piece of text I've ever read in my entire life. It is absolute revenge fantacy, radical feminist man hating if I've ever read it. It actively PUTS DOWN girls who want a more passive life and wish to confirm to more traditional roles. This reads like it wants to be edgy "DESTROY THE PATRIARCHY" Hunger Games. There's literally a line that describes having babies as "giving up a body to man spawn". This book sucks so bad. I can't belive how big of a let down this is. Fun fact Xiran, you can highlight the strengths of girls in positions of power while still making them likeable, and not bringing down women who would rather not be some out there fighter! Crazy, I know! Anyways read the Ballad of Lucy Grey instead, it has what this doesn't, a LIKEABLE and down to earth female MC who manages to show the entire world what she alone is capible of, and stands up for what she knows to be right, no matter who commits the offence. Just don't read this book unless you're a radical liberal who wants to see men crushed beneath an insufferable main character's heels.