I am going to assume that many of the great reviews I read were purchased.
I was left wanting after watching the first episode. I didn't recognize any well-known actors as with GoT. And the acting was not to the level we are accustomed to as a result. The writing also seemed a bit off. Between poor dialog and bad delivery (acting), I truly felt like I was ripped off.
They must have spent all their money on CGI and had nothing left to pay some real actors.
And the amount of beauty is nowhere near what we saw in GoT. Both male and female actors were just run-of-the-mill. I expected beautiful hard-to-keep-your-eye-off actors and actresses, like in GoT, but was let down with HoD.
I wonder how many others feel the same way, after all the hype and fog clears.
I'm not seeing this go past seasson 1 if it keeps up this way.