Honestly such a disappointment I had to review it. This film doesn’t know what it wants to be; is it a documentary, a comedy, a horror? It really is anyone’s guess. It’s like three different films happening at once. The 80s feel is good in parts and I get the juxtaposition of the horror film we’re watching and the movie Maxine is in but unfortunately it falls flat. A huge disappointment for A24. A big anti climax after the great films of Pearl and X. Maxine’s character is left in the lurch with a poor script and none of the other characters had any development. The film director literally just says the same things in every scene, her best friend had no background or introduction, her other friends are so inconsequential there’s no point them even being there. The whole thing felt like a high school drama and the actors were completely failed by the script and directing. Some moments were actually laughable (the scene where the cop literally just rolls off the hill comes to mind!). Just watch Pearl and X and leave it at that.