This game is good. It's not the god awful dumpster fire that people are making it out to be. The story is not as good as the last two wolfenstein games but it isnt bad or insulting by any means. The main characters are endearing in my opinion although it seems that its half and half between people liking them and hating them. For example Jim Sterling (likes them) and Angry Joe (hates them). The gameplay feels just as good as the other titles and the new armor system does not prove to make the game more bullet spongy. If you hit the weak points of armored enemies with the proper ammo type the armor disappears in about 3 - 10 shots depending on the enemy type. The enemies honestly seemed to die faster then usual (maybe because I played Wolfenstein 2 on the hardest difficulty). The game approaches a pseudo open world that doesn't fit super well but again it's not garbage. It's filled with secret caches to unlock by searching the world for floppy disks. It's also filled with a metric ton of in game currency (Seriously silver coins grow on trees. By the end of the first mission I had enough to buy the most expensive skins and upgrades). However the open worlds also all look very similar and grey. They dont stand out at all. And the biggest issue I have with them is the god awful enemy spawns. Enemies will spawn back actual minutes after you killed them. Sometimes you'll feel like you're fighting an endless herd and then you'll see enemies start spawning in the background as minutes pass by. It makes clearing out enemies seem impossible and my partner and I often just had to run through areas where we started to notice this problem.
The biggest issue of this game are the microtransactions. There is a premium currency that you can use to buy cosmetics and although most of these can also be bought using in game currency (which again is found everywhere in huge amounts) it still doesn't excuse their inclusion. The lowest I can see myself giving this game is a 7/10.
P.S if you believe I am just defending this game as a bethesda fan I have not liked any bethesda developed game (yes, including everyone's beloved skyrim) and doom, wolfenstein, and dishonored are the only bethesda published games I like. So if anything I would be more than happy to negatively review this game if I thought it was worthy of hate.
P.P.S I played the entire game in online coop with a friend so I have nothing to say on companion AI