I don’t get it. Everyone talks about this game like it’s this paragon of mechanics and storytelling, but it just left me frustrated and confused. If everything was just one big metaphor, why was there so much weird world building and side characters? The gameplay was an absolute slog, having to wait for the meters to fill up rather than just take turns quickly and traditionally. I never stopped just spamming the strongest attacks, just mindlessly tapping the enter key for battles that occasionally can take near 30 minutes in the case of a hidden boss. I get the story, it’s a story of unintentional neglect, and trying to save everyone the hassle of this cycle, morally ambiguous as that may be. But it never calls your morality into question save for a measly two times in the whole 9 hour game, one of those being the very ending. The whole game just left me confused as to why it was regarded so highly. There are fourth wall breaks, but they never come into play, you take control of the Batter, despite him just doing what his own personal objective is regardless of your divine intervention. I felt like the game talked on and on despite having nothing to say.