I struggle to give this movie even the one star I did.
lets focus first on the good parts of this movie, there are very few. the acting of this movie was very well done. you could feel every single emotion that it tried to portray. the set design of this movie was bar none, it's beautifully done, with a lot of scenes that really stick with you.
but thats the only positive things I personally could find about this movie. I am not a critic, so maybe I don't know all the context that is required to view this movie on that scope. but if your movie demands that you have some type of degree to watch it, I will say - it's not a good movie. it comes across very much as the director intended it- elitist. you get a bunch of shaky cam footage as well as some first year art students shots at random times. it feels like the director is trying very desperately to remind you that this part is IMPORTANT. like, they didn't just use the better half of an hour, hammering it in. you feel every second of this two and a half-hour movie.
if you're looking for horror, or even something go just eatch- it's better to build your own house, and watch the paint dry.