Osm movie....CTRL is a unique Netflix thriller directed by Vikramaditya Motwane that delves into the dark side of technology and AI's impact on personal lives. The film centers on Nella, played by Ananya Panday, who uses an AI app to erase her cheating boyfriend, only to have the technology spiral out of control.
The movie's strength lies in its timely exploration of AI, social media, and control. While the film starts off lighthearted, the tension builds gradually as Nella’s situation worsens. Ananya Panday's performance has been generally well-received, with viewers praising her portrayal of Nella as she navigates this eerie, tech-driven crisis.
However, some critiques mention that the film lacks the depth needed for a powerful conclusion. While its premise is strong, the execution—particularly towards the end—feels somewhat flat, leaving viewers wanting more. Despite its flaws, CTRL is a visually engaging film with a relevant message, particularly for today's digital age.
CTRL offers a thought-provoking look at technology's growing control over our lives, making it worth a watch for those interested in psychological thrillers with a tech twist.