A reference from Roald Dahl or Netflix's documentary series Revelation?
The plot is comprised of weird, seemingly lewd references to temptation and the catholic church, a seafood truck "spilling its load" and a corrupt underground syndicate of chocolate oligopolies selling diluted chocolate to an unassuming public at market value while pure chocolate is trafficked into a chamber underneath the church to be used for extortion. It's an operation made possible by bribing the priest who has "sold his soul" to indulge his insatiable cravings.
Premeditated murder and the narrative "the greedy beat the needy" are continually referenced themes throughout the film. Ironic, seeing as the film is a cash grab that has effectively killed any semblance of artistic integrity.
The messaging of this film is strange. Who wrote this plot and moreover who signed off on it? It's inappropriate subtext for children and exhausting as an adult.
I expected an unexplored depth of character but the extent of Wonkas development was an additional character feature of illiteracy..? More focus was directed towards the backstory of Noodle the orphan. I can't emphasize more strongly that I wasted 2 HOURS of my lyf and $17 to watch Noodle the random reunite with her mum who works down the road at the local library.
The "pure imagination" of this film is inserting representation and sociopolitical issues that overshadow and entirely subsume the central narrative.
Overall, the movie sucks. Discovered nothing about chocolate, it was instead 2 hours of watching the cast do laundry accompanied by one to many musical numbers. I would equate it to a bad version of Annie. Enjoyed Hugh Grants performance.