Loved it!!!
You know, these days it’s seems that people are constantly wanting celebrities, people of importance, influencers , authors to be so perfect, this shining God who s*#+%= gold or rainbows. Who have no flaws, and for everything they say to conform to how THEY think that person should feel or think. I have to be honest I haven’t read in depth on what she said earlier this year that’s transphobic. Do I think that she would go out of her way to a transgender person or be deliberately cruel? No. Do I care or does what she thinks about a subject change my world view or ho I treat or view everyone no matter race, gender, orientation or gender status??? No. I know what I have been taught growing up and I KNOW who my role models are. The women who raised me. Point blank period. Why do people have to get so caught up in EVERY little thing someone says. It’s like people run out of things to talk about. People in the press can’t say anything because things can be taken out of context, can convey something that wasn’t meant. Not saying that that’s what happened. But move on, and please don’t give a bad review on a book that is WONDERFUL just because you don’t like what author said. THIS BOOK IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like all the others. Great addition to series. Comoran Strike IS NOT, nor has he ever been the president of GLAAD. I can’t wait until next one. Writing and story on point as always. Keep the coming JK.