It’s insulting that critics are dissing this movie because of its “lack of depth/meaning,” yet they are willing to give a movie like Endgame, a movie that completes lacks a message or that wont provoke any lasting emotions, a 93% rating on rotten tomatoes. Do not let any of the critic reviews sway you from seeing this film, it is legitimately amazing. I saw it with a parent who usually isn’t a fan of super hero movies, yet as soon as the credits rolled, he turned to me and said, “That was AWESOME!” I won’t even be upset if this movie isn’t nominated for any awards, I’m just glad it exists. Watching it is such a rewarding experience as after the movie was over, I felt the need to do good in my society. This movie isn’t exploiting or glorifying violence, but instead warning of us about how people suffering mental illnesses can be affected by our harsh society. This movie is so incredibly meaningful to our modern world and I promise that from the first shot of the film to the last, you will be awe inspired, amazed, disgusted, and scared, but above all else, once you leave the theater, this movie will stay with you.