My reviews keep disappearing?! Is it because I think you should change the name to Good Morning Democrats? Or is it I asked how do you sleep at night with all the lies, unreported important news, twisted versions of events? Was it because I asked why you don't care about the 3 yr olds that were killed by violence on Fathers day weekend? Was George Floyd more important than young innocent African American children??!!! Also not showing the many African Americans who attended our Presidents rally!
I think it's sick and I hope it's worth ruining our country for the Democrats. When your children and grandchildren live in a lawless society remember who's fault it is. Is the paycheck worth that?
Had to sit through another couple segments due to an appt. 7/15/20 Such lies coming out of Cecilia Vega! She says our president doesn't get the facts?!! For a so-called reporter she doesn't get many true facts!! What about that St Louis couple who were defending they're property??
Get the facts before lying to America! Also George looks pretty pathetic interviewing this jealous extension of the Trump family! She was real believable!! Discusting!!