Do not spend a dime on this game.
Pros: it IS satisfying to get a win.
It's fun with friends, when coordinated.
That's it.
Cons: stats very often do not record progress.
Game will crash when you FINALLY win a game, leaving it frozen on a black screen, prompting you to exit the app and not record the game stats.
Game freezes, glitches often.
Load times are PAINFULLY long, which means the 99% of times you lose a game you're going to wait a long time to play again.
The player community is toxic af, with n-words and g-words thrown around like confetti.
Interface with objects is inconsistent; you can scale a box, but not some rocks that are as high as said box.
Cheaters every other game, making you ban someone constantly.
Just save yourself the time and money and get another FPS that is more fun.