A beautiful documentary. The problems that are real and plaguing the society are spoken loud at the same time the solutions given. The message is clear that education can change lives.
Although I must criticize the makers (Editors, Cinematographer) because of a big flaw. It jumps all over the place. The cuts in 2nd episode are so jarring I had to rewind 10 times or more just to figure out who is who. There is a jump in time and narrative and it's frequent. It's hard to stay with the characters. The storytelling is all over the place. At one time they are talking about the families and underage marriage of girls and whatever then we are on board exams and motivating them to step up out of nowhere They are talking about financial problems. Cinematographer, what was the thought process? Extreme close up of girls and the woman
offseting frames during interview gives a very creepy unsettling feeling it's too distracting. The shallow depth of field is just shallow and If there were surrounding visible it would have made a tremendous difference. The sharpness is menacing. Still, I know how hard it is to make a documentary like this so kudos to the team that has pulled it off.