For me, it is mixed emotion, but it gives me more depressing sad vibes like what if this is reality right now, maybe being rich is what most people become more pride and selfish for what they have.
The actress and actor are good, but the story doesn't fit my expectations, I think it's a bad ending. But it makes sense tho cause when people are much more power like being rich, it is sad that most people can't see what the reality is. On the other hand, for me, it is interesting that this movie is all about not only people's power but a science. (Well I love movies when the theme is about time travel, planets, disasters, pandemics, etc.) But I also find this movie stressful cause I thought they could save the world.
The animation, CGI is good also, it also terrifying in the end scene. so that's it. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!