Didn't feel any real excitement or enjoyment from this game, so can't recommend it... I kept finding myself wondering when something cool was going to happen or something was going to pull me in... but it just didn't happen.
This game doesn't improve (or even maintain) on the quality of previous similar RPG titles. It's just uninteresting, uninformative, and empty. Ground Combat is about average, the space combat just feels uninspired and poorly executed.
Exploration/Discovery is arduous and uninteresting. The environments don't even seem that alive or intriguing. The space travel is odd and poorly thought out too. Can't really fly your ship around much outside of fast travel and zipping between a few asteroids.
Also, why is the character you play as mute? For $100+ game, to have a character that doesn't say a word takes away from the experience massively. The first mass effect game had better dialogue.
Not much is explained in the game either. As a gaming veteran, I found myself scratching my head on many elements of the game, from item stats/effects, to ship and outpost building, even to missions/rewards and sense of "Why am I doing this & what is it affecting?"
It feels as if each feature of the game was just a tick box to fill, not something thought out and properly executed. Sad, as I was hoping to find a pleasantly enjoyable game, but instead didn't feel compelled to play much at all.