This book was written by a Muslim who became a Christian and then went back to being a Muslim. He tries to paint a Christ as a zealot because of the temple scene and taking a few quotes out of context. He tries to tear holes in the Virgin Mary concept, Jesus born out of wedlock, Joseph never existed, Mathew,Mark Luke and John made up the Bethlehem scene, the Pilate narrative, the cross narrative and that Christ really rose and the over 500 who saw him after he rose were obsessive. Wow. He says it was done to promote the Christ portrait. Jesus was never Christ only a failed rebel messiah. And so what would Jesus say to his disciples who spent hours, days and years with him for spinning a fairytale? This is a great book portraying the political unrest of the time, but it fails to convince anyone that Jesus was only a failed messiah. Jesus is Christ supported by the Old and New Testament, the Opocrypha,and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Son of Man and the Son of God live!