Disney's live-action The Little Mermaid is a solid piece of adaptation from the classic animated tale, with a star-turn performance from its lead, Halle Berry, as Ariel and magnificent mustache twirling and vocal work from Melissa McCarthy as her antagonist Ursula. She holds the camera lens with an ethereal quality and her voice raises goosebumps.
The CGI and effects are just okay, but the cinematography is good, with occasional flashes of brilliance in assorted master frames and homages to the original movie.
The orchestrations could be bigger - was expecting much more of a wall of sound for a classic like "Under the Sea," but two of the three new songs are actually quite clever and catchy. Though I do miss Les Poissons.
Diggs and Awkwafina fill their comic relief roles admirably and the rest of the cast does well. Bardem, as Triton, at times seems to be doing his character from No Country for Old Men, which is a bit odd, but hits the right emotional notes with his daughter when the time comes.
Good movie for kids and also a good litmus test for posterity - anyone giving this a 1-star review, we see you and know the real reasons you rated it so low. And now it's on the internet... forever...