Show really sucks.
Written by 20 somethings that watch/play waaay too many first person shooters and then try to write that into a script.
For example: 2 good guys with 9mm pistols take out 12 fully armored guys with fully automatic machine guns - really!!!!
How about running down a hallway with 2 guys with machine guns actually shooting at them and not hitting them! Walls, floor, ceiling, lights, yup - people, not even close.
How about hey kids got to go to a show today will be back late, as in going to Portugal, find then stop a terrorist organization (not just one guy) retrieve the "poison gas" then get home from "work" by 7 with hot pizza's!
Really! Where did they get the time machine from?
Show would work if the "kids" weren't writing the script (and stopped playing 1st person shooters) and made it a lot more realistic.