I used to like it many years ago when it first came on but now it’s horrible. The hosts are so negative and don’t listen or even care about any other opinions but their own. There is no debate about anything because they won’t listen to anything. They think that their political views are the only ones that matter. For them to say that Republicans are white supremacists and murderers is horrible. I am neither of those things and for them to say things like that about people they don’t know just shows how close minded they are. They are one of the reasons that this world is so divided. I am a kind, loving and caring Christian woman. I love my family and have friends who are Democrats but we are still friends because we care about each other. Maybe the ladies on this show should to care about others and stop being so close minded. Joy and Sunny are the worst and Whoopi isn’t far behind. Maybe their ratings would improve if they would stop thinking that only their opinions matter.