Literally the best movie of the year.
Ignore all the 1-star male reviews from guys living in their own mojo dojo casa house.
Specifically for women, it is empowering and it feels like a movie made for women and not with women as an afterthought. It can be a bit cheesy, but it puts the experiences and feelings of many women into words and, more importantly, into a fun, pink musical-like performance.
Though this movie is for the girlies, it is also for all of the Kens out there. It is fun and does play into some of the hilarious stereotypes about guys but also portrays some of the consequences of being a guy. You get to see the flip side of a normal movie cliche where the girl needs the guy to exist. In this movie, Ken couldn't exist without Barbie and by the end, he starts to work on how to exist and live with just himself.
Most importantly, this movie is a message for all the guys out there who truly don't know what it is like to be a woman. It paints a great picture and allows you to empathize with and understand the experiences of others.
If you don't care about any of that...Ryan Gosling is in it and he sings what social media is now touting as the satirical male anthem.