I enjoy receiving solid information especially from Anna Kasparian. Her reporting reminds me of the Professionalism Journalists, such as Walter Cronkite, had in Delivering the News each night, chasing us kids out of the room. But as an Adult, I'm not interested in other People's Opinions or Jokes. I just need to be informed so I can make my own Opinions. Anna Kasparian provides me this, and I greatly appreciate it.
But I find Cenk Uygur reporting annoying. I feel he's more interested in getting Laughs than providing information. I watch Comedians imitate Trump, so I can laugh at Trump. I watch the News so I can Learn about Trump, and see what damage he is Threatening today.
Oh, and now one of your people has Purple hair. Are you transitioning from Informative to Entertainment. If you are, that's too bad, you are one of the Few Media Sources I Trust to Report More News than Opinion.
I have NetFlix to keep me Entertained, I turn to You to keep me Informed.