The wheel spins and what once was again will be. There are neither beginnings nor ends but this is a beginning. A different one than what we read which was a previous iteration.
In that literature though were spelled out foundational principals of power which being split between genders is highly problematic in todays politically charged climate so skipping that is understandable. But what is not are some of the other differences in how the mechanics of this world work.
Aes Sedai in a channelling linked groups cannot burn out. The dragon was reborn FROM the age of legends he was not known then as being the dragon reborn he was just the dragon. No matter how the wheel weaves, these facts are fundamental to the ages. Changing them undermines the excuse for the departures from the source as this being a different turn of the wheel.
The acting is done well and the scenes, make-up and CGI are fantasticly over the top. The uniforms and costumes tend to remain a little too clean for farmers and soldiers but this is a small point. As for conveying the world created by Jordan and Sanderson the show falls short, but it is still entertaining if difficult to follow at times. More so for those confused by the choices made in the differentiation.