Disappointed all these so called critics are trying to give it a bad name. Amazing. I've been playing it for 60 hours already and still discovering new areas (finished the story at 50) massive twists in the story that proper had me gobsmacked. I had a horrendous out the blue jump scare last night (after looking at freyas wedding shrine) and I had to pause the game to recover 😂. Totally unexpected. Love it. Graphics. Story. Character development. Finisher moves. Challenges are fun. They've introduced new arrows and weapons. I had a couple of special ax moves in the first one that aren't in the second one and I havnt found a equivilant ones in this one but that's the only slight gripe. But loads to explore. I love the raven angle. And I can't get over the TWIST man! Amazing game and I hope more are to come. Can't believe it's taken me this long to play them!