I am very keen to learn of the marvels of nature that we rarely if ever see, especially those within a maritime environment.
So from the title and cover, my wife gave me this book as a gift.
To connect with the reading audience, it is not strange that the author describes a bit of themselves for background, etc.
So I did not think it that strange that the first couple of chapters alternated between science and her personal sex life. By the time I reached the middle of the book, I would read the topic sentence and if about her personal life, I would scan until the science restarted.
Then I stopped reading altogether.
Yes, there was the vague and poorly written allegories between science and her personal life, but honestly it was more than a bit lame and poorly written.
Better to spend your money either on porn or an excellent scientific novel.
This combination is a poor waste of time to read. Sorry, I was hopeful.