Tbh I was looking forward to this game left4dead was great. It felt like a movie and the game had a great soundtrack. Thought I give this game a try but overall too much is happening too many special infected the game would spawn four or more special infected and they can trap the whole team and it’s game over the part that sucks the most is it takes at least 2 full clips to kill a boomer or any infected..you could see them a mile away and they still get you…now imagine 3-4 coming for you and zombies hitting you its frustrating. Playing through the map they have wall zombies that trap you which is also annoying if you’re last man standing you’re pretty much dead. My friends don’t enjoy this game anymore and playing with randoms is even more of a challenge. There’s no freedom to do whatever you want either, you have to have a buddy even splitting up in twos is risky cuz the zombies are overwhelming.
things nice about the game
•the cards
“are great” I guess negative effects not so much
•More (guns& melee weapons)
Some work well with cards
•Team effects (boosters)
“are good” bc they balance the negative effects from your cards. But most likely people want meds, grenades for special effected and upgrades for their gun. Which is reasonable cuz zombies are overpowered rn.
I don’t enjoy playing this game it’s too much of a hassle and try hard game whenever I feel like playing the game I get reminded why I hate it.