I watched this because I really like the original 911 and I thought it would be similar. I really like Rob Lowe as an actor, but I must say I give this two stars at best. I was going to give it one star, and the only reason I gave it more is because of Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler. In the first episode, they said someone was going to the doctor because he had something viral and wanted to get antibiotics to treat it...obvious mistake...their medical advisor should have caught that. Next, this does not accurately portray Austin or Texas. More importantly, the two gay people and the frequent disgusting and repulsive gay/homosexual scenes of hardcore making out half-naked are make me want to throw up and they are obscene and have absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the show and should be kept off prime time TV. This is setting a terrible example to set for younger impressionable kids or teens and is completely disgusting. I gave it a chance but after the first two, I won’t be watching another. Such a shame because it started off with real potential and seemed like it would be interesting. We never saw this garbage on fox like this until Disney bought fox. Some feedback for Fox, keep the homosexuality soft porn out of it and just stick to good clean content that’s appropriate for a family to watch, and keep topics that are controversial and morally wrong out of it so we don’t set the wrong examples for our young ones. You don’t have to have gays in it to make it a good show. Look at a lot of other hit shows that didn’t have that garbage regularly: Seinfeld, Friends, Big Bang theory, Dr. Quinn, House, even family guy.