Horimiya in anime is kinda good show, but if u tried to read the manga u will find out that anime is real time skipper... It's for manga is 128 chapters and for anime is showing likes 1-40 then skip to 120 > 128. if you watch the anime closely u will kinda feel weird on they show after episode 1-7 then >8 9 and booom 13 ending. I really enjoyed the anime but after I think somethings is missing so I read a manga and found out thats time skiped is too much. IDK it's because a budget or somethings but if it's can go likes a normal anime don't do this much time skipper it's could be top tier must watchlist. Even so this anime still won a romance anime of the years in chrunyroll by somehow LUL. For me it can be better than this. hoping for movie or OVA after this cuz they cut all the arc during mid story likes School fest, School trips and many things too much.