The first two films, outstanding. This film 1/5 or lower if i could.
No character development
No story progression
No answers to our questions
(So many concepts wasted, we could have found the origin of the aliens, could have seen the spread over the world) but NOPE! We got pizza side quests, suicidal girl, autistic boy and cat who probably also hated the film. Poor cat, the cat was the best actor and I bet they paid him a can of tuna for all his hard work.
I cannot believe this script went through so many people, including producers and no one though… “huh wait a minute, people dont watch this for it’s defeatist romantic aspects but its a horror film”. I watched this with my gf, should have just stayed home would have been more entertaining watching netflix.
Bad movie, made me lose hope in a franchise that I really respected….
Please learn to write better movies and dont take urselfs too seriously when writing.