Resident evil fans; skip it. Truly confused as to some of the reviews people have posted. This story is not resident evil. Compelling idea (raccoon city built after the original is blown up, so the sequel if you will) that borrows heavily from 28 days later but the horror is few and far between. The constant back and forth between timelines doesn’t flow and is jarring in places. Having the Cw take of Resident evil was something no one was asking for yet here we are. Forget the noise: This is not about female leads or race swapping. It’s about a show that doesn’t base its heart on the source material and takes extreme liberties so far away from the source material it’s a shell of it (hell, it would’ve gone down better if they made the story about the twins from code Veronica. Keep them both females and a different race. Don’t care, just give us resident evil!!). When you have to have articles floating around to tell you how the show relates to the game, you’ve lost the plot.