Avengers: Endgame...
As the name suggests, we come to know that this is the last movie of the Avengers movie series as everything comes to an end. Either Thanos defeats them, or the Avengers pulverize Thanos. But as we know that the good always wins....we can make out that the Avengers will surely win the battle.
It's one of the best movies ever by Marvel, and probably the best in the Avengers series. I would honestly give it a rating of 9.5/10. Not only that, it is one of my best movies I have watched till now.
The Avengers series are very closely related to each other which we come to know in the Endgame properly. Otherwise, movies like Thor, Iron man, Captain America, etc. would just be action movies featuring a superhero. After watching Endgame, you can relate these movies with each other.
Even though the movie was awesome, there were many unexpected things. We can see that Thor, who had a beastly body, turns fat after he kills Thanos and makes his own, small little kingdom with some people and Valkyrie. We even saw that our beloved Iron Man, fought till the end but died at last after vanishing Thanos and company. We could also see that Captain America was worthy enough to lift the Mjölnir and the Stormbreaker. Our tiny AND gigantic Ant-Man was also in the scene and made his debut in the last movie of the Avenger series.