No one has time to read anymore.... no one has the patience to read anymore.... they lament how they're driven mad by the "details" and how in depth Bradbury dives into what may be perceived as inconsequential events and people. Yet these same, when shown a piece thread bare of any nuance of feeling, they deem it "profound". Don't fear details - the beauty lies in those details. For those who truly read the book, feel it, and not just skim over it wanting to finish it quickly so they can say the "read it". This book is a foreboding, a warning for the very hell that's devouring us now. Our attentions are drowned in quick fixes and hand outs. We allow others to destroy the very essence of life, while we submerge ourselves in mundane programming. A single tear shed in the midst of poetry, causes panic, outrage, departure.... Clarisse is the voice of those who still dare to dream, to hope, to taste, to feel.... while everyone and everything around us coerces us to welcome living death and enjoy it.