They make it seem on the show that Jugyeong is ugly and cares about being pretty to be accepted when she doesn't even really need to add that much makeup to look like a model or at least look graceful but of course, they're in South Korea and if you don't meet everyone their standards and you dress like a nerd with glasses you will be rejected by society, that's how demanding they are, at least it happens more within the novel.
Hacen ver en el programa que Jugyeong es fea y se preocupa por ser linda para ser aceptada cuando ni siquiera realmente necesita agregarse tanto maquillaje para verse como una modelo o al menos lucir agraciada pero claro, estan en Corea del Sur y si no cumples con todos sus estandares y te vistes como una nerd con gafas estarás rechazado por la sociedad, asà de exagerado es, al menos ocurre dentro de la novela.