I see many people commenting their reviews and claiming they're annoyed with one star reviewers as they are nit-picking. Whilst in some cases, I agree, I would also like to point out that this movie really isn't good.
I acknowledge that book to movie adaptations have to be altered as it is in a different format and not everything can be perfect, so some things have to change. But the key word there is 'some', not 'all'.
My issue with the movie is not that they changed the appearance of characters, because truly that doesn't matter as long as they can keep the essence of them. In this movie, they didn't. The personalities and traits of the characters are drastically changed, Annabeth almost becoming Clarisse, Grover being the complete opposite of who he is in the books.
Yet the personalities is not all they changed, as the entire plot and point of the books is also different.
The whole point of the books is that these 12 year old children are forced from such a young age to fight in a war that barely benefits them by their neglectful parents, the gods. They're too young to have to risk their lives and fight battles that aren't meant for them. By aging these characters up, you're missing the point of the series. In the movies, you don't necessarily care about the fact that these people are out there risking their lives because they look like your everyday average hero from an action film.
The plot changes as the only similarity is that the bolt was stolen, Percy was blamed, Hades is somewhat involved and Luke is a villain. Now, I haven't watched this movie in a while, but I distinctly remember Hades just showing up and threatening Percy, claiming he had the bolt???? HADES IS NOT THE VILLAIN. It was a misdirect, he was never the bad guy in the books, he was just stereotyped to be. Why change the literal villain of the story 😭???? It just takes away the entire point.
I somewhat recall them attempting to correct their error and introduce Kronos in the second film, but at that point it was too late and the plot was ruined.
Also why did they spend the entire movie searching for pearls to get them out of the underworld? That is, once again, entirely different to the point of their journey in the books 😭
I feel as though I am rambling, but I just wanted to clear some things up. There is no issue with enjoying the movie as its own thing, as even I can admit it has its fun moments. However, there is no use in pretending it is a good book adaptation, as it is clearly not.
I am simply grateful the series has been given another chance, one that looks very promising. I cannot wait for the show to finally release on Disney+ one day, in which the author is actually involved.