What do you know! Another show trying to tell me that the world is completely different from the one I see with my own eyes every day. I’m Native American, not Elizabeth Warren Native American, I mean real Native American and even though it’s nice to see my heritage included in shows I hope the ratings for this show tank. It’s the only way these morons producing these shows will learn. It’s called entertainment people. If I want to watch fake news after a long day I’ll put on MSNBC. You ruin everything. Sports, Music, Movies, TV and even commercials now. I’m about ready to switch to puppet shows but you have probably infected that too. You truly are a disease on society and are the biggest hypocrites on earth. The only power I have to stop you is to change the channel and that is exactly what I’ll do. The second a show or movie or commercial starts in with their woke group think agenda I’m picking up the remote and finding something that doesn’t. Hopefully enough people do the same thing so we can get back to real entertainment.