Every effort was made to not spoil the movie but if you want to go into it totally blind, this review might be too revealing for some. *potential spoilers ahead*
Definitely was a movie worth watching. I did find myself laughing sporadically, switching off between gasps or mumbles of...'wtfs'. The whole 70s late night talk show vibe was very well presented and I enjoyed the "Amazing Randy" skeptic character as well. Overall, it's a unique concept & I personally categorize it within the dark comedy genre however, some of the scarier moments then change that perspective a bit back to horror/thriller. But truth be told, much of the scarier stuff resides in the last 30 minutes but that didn't bother me too much. In fact, I do feel (and think a majority of watchers will agree) that it generally had a bit of a slow pace than I.would have preferred. And again, I was giggling much more than feeling scared, however, I admit I stayed glued to the movie regardless. With the commentator speaking for over 10 minutes in the beginning, explaining how everything got to this point, it was pretty easy to figure out specifically what Jack was messing with or what he would end up coming face to face with at some.point in the movie.
I found the last act to be the most enjoyable and.the primary reason you'd consider this a horror movie. In fact, it was only the ending portions that provided some uneasy feelings with a handful of spots that had my mouth hanging open or saying things like...'holy smokes" (but that wasn't the 'S' word used). Some of the imagery, the dream-like scenarios, time loops & ritualistic behaviors really were done well and the portrayal playing out on screen not only was pretty.great cinematography, but I admit that some moments of it I'd find myself drawn in to how the main character would be feeling or thinking of how confusing it would be or that anyone would lose their minds after a very short amount of time. I thought it might end slightly differently but I think we do that with a lot of movies sometimes.
Was it the scariest movie? Best movie? Funniest movie? Well...no. But let me tell you, that even the fact I wrote this review is enough evidence that its worth checking out. I think there's tons of recycled stuff that comes.out and if you.really paid close attention, you'd see how many stories or concepts.are just copy-pasted with a few adjustments....and that's not even considering the.remakes or new versions of old movies either. I found it to be entertaining and.it kept my interest the whole time. Although it did feel like I was just watching an actual late night show rerun from.the 70s much of the time...but it was very silly & think each character played their role perfectly. Late Night with the Devil....and the Illuminati? ∆